Dragon ball Z The lost Episode


Please read the following story that happened to me

I was watching Dragon Ball in a yaoi porn page (which I will mention later to your delight ) called Dragon balls. com.mx.ar.zzzz . It was the third time i masturbated when they stopped having sex. I was mad because it was a page of excellent gay content, but I inserted my finger into my anus to satisfy me because the video no longer worked. What happened in that episode made me came ; it had nothing to do with the last episode " THE ASSHOLE RAPIST OF GOKU ". It was incredibly hot and homosexual:
Goku was having sex with Vegeta but more violent , bloody, and not the Goku´s Way . Goku didn´t stop raping Vegeta for a moment and i could see cum flying in the air. After that, Goku put a pipe in Vegeta´s anus. Vegeta had a look of fear as if he was saying " please stop raping me for god´s sake " but Goku looked angry ( diabolically ) , he goes to rape him, and Vegeta doesnt avoid it, he was being brutally raped. Goku takes Vegeta by the ass (which was somewhat common to throw them the air ) but what happened next was shocking : Goku manages to rip his dick way too realistic as the usual way was . Vegeta was left bleeding on the ground of the planet Bikini Bottom (where he was fighting with Squidward ) and a terrified Vegeta begs to Goku to stop raping him, but it was useless ; Goku looked brainwashed for listening shitty dubstep and then he throws down the dick of Vegeta , and starts screaming like a pig.
His hair turns a white-cum colour like their eyes. He screamed louder and louder, so much that I screwed up my pants. Vergeta was surprised and horny, and I thought he was because Koku did not behave that way. Indeed, Koku start shitting but not into a Super moron, but in another more creepy thing: Koku begins to rip off his own cock . Finished cumming and scratching his balls, he then slipped on a banana peel that was out there and falls on Vergeta, who tries to escape but fails and Koku breaks his penis . His testicles out of his body and then Koku took Vergeta by his neck and rips him a piece of poop, Then lifts it; a light of the sea opens and Cthulhu appears. Koku takes him and ends the episode . Then the credits began, but the credits were not the same, There was Only Vergeta's face looked all stained with semen injured in the ass and pictures of turds in all screen, Then appeared the same credits of ever ... but with a 80s porno music and Akira Toriyama's name appeared on all credits, apparently, he had made that chapter.